Hey! A quick hello from ncScale!

January was a very exciting month. It was the start of a new year, filled with huge expectations. For ncScale, it was also a very exciting start for 2024. We officially launched the 2.0, with a completely overhauled UI, faster and simpler than ever!

Thanks to the community, we reached the Top #5 Developer Tools of the week on Product Hunt! This is something we would never have achieved without you.

We did not stop there. January was also full of updates for ncScale as well:


New plugin Zapier


Our new ncScale plugin came out on Zapier, opening the possibility to directly send fully personalized logs from your Zaps executions to ncScale. And with it comes also the possibility to use `Log management` and `Alerting` features!


Save assets views

You are now able to save filters preset of your Assets Catalog into view! Gains time and efficiency while navigating through your entire stack.

Enhanced dependencies

Update of the Dependencies! More accurate than ever, between Airtable, Make and Zapier tools!

Navigate through Airtable dependencies

You are now able to quickly identify where a specific Airtable field is used, and navigate to the automation depending on the field in a simple click!

We also publish some articles, featuring Xano, Zapier, and even Make!
Got any questions? Ask in our community !